here we, here we go again…

If you’ve read the main post to this blog, you know that once upon a time, I had an NKOTB tattoo. If you’ve read it all, you also know that I got it when I was young and out of insecurity, once covered it up, too. As you can imagine, given the sentiment of my post, there were times over the years since I made the decision that I wanted it back. After the reunion, I was ready: bigger, bolder, blacker, better. Inspired by the lyrical beauty of “Close to You,” I decided this time it was going somewhere sexier – close to my hips. Well, on my hip, specifically. I knew that my friends Jen and Tera also wanted NK tattoos, so I tried to arrange with them for us to all do it together. Jen wasn’t able to make it work, but I set up with Tera and Ziggy for us to go together. We wanted to go on New Kids on the Block day, but it didn’t work out. After getting my peace sign on Donnie’s birthday, I hit the calendar and the internet trying to find a day in the near future that had some NK relevance.

We settled on September 6, 2009: Hangin’ Tough’s 21st birthday. (What else do you do for a 21st bday but take it out and get a tattoo??) Though I’ve already posted about this on my travel blog, Travels with Toaster, my NK blog wouldn’t be the same without the update and a few pics. (And also, my memoir specifically talks about covering it up, but there’s no mention of having done it again in a much better way.) 🙂

Without further ado, here we are waiting our turn…

(Left to right, Tera, Ziggy & me.)
Here are our results:

Tera’s tattoo – by the way, her first tattoo, to be specific! I’ve heard ankle tattoos are no walk in the park, so I’m doubly impressed with her – she took it like a champ!

Me under the needle, relying on Donnie for moral support, and my final result:

And Ziggy’s NKOTB butterfly on her foot – so pretty! Initially she wanted to use the same logo I have, but I really wanted a unique one (and this is the exact same one – except bigger and all black – that I covered up years ago), so we found her this gorgeous font instead.

Several hours later, we were done, happy, and ready to celebrate HT’s birthday (and drown our pain) the right way – with cocktails!

Cheers to loving the New Kids forever!

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